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Heller Martial Arts

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Group Classes - Shadow Moogi Kids Camp

Heller Martial Arts provides camps and group classes. Self-Defense Camp is a great course that will introduce basic techniques and a couple self-defense skills. This class is perfect as an activity for youth groups and a way to earn badges in scouts. Group classes for adults are also available. These are good for team-building, stress relief, and helping make the workplace safer. Intro camps often run 1-2 hours and can be tailored to expectations. 

Shadow Moogi Kids Camp is a 6 week camp with two half hour classes a week.  Designed for 4-6 year olds, we will teach the basics of TaeKwonDo and easy to remember self-defense techniques. Through a combination of drills, games, and activities, your child will learn and have fun.  Campers will have their 'shadow' to train, the shadow being a Moogi, or young dragon.  Students will get a jump start on the basics of TaeKwonDo, with 6 year olds eligible to continue on to TKD courses. Shadow Moogi Camps are tentatively held in the winter and the summer.

402-380-3383    hellermartialarts@gmail.com

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1522 Stone St.  Falls City, NE